More Statistics from I Fight For My Life
Compiled from Roger Williams University
Sexual Assault - Rape Myths And Facts
Myth: Rape is caused by lust or uncontrollable sexual urges and the need for sexual gratification.
Fact: Rape is an act of physical violence and domination that is not motivated by sexual gratification.
Myth: Once a man gets sexually aroused, he can't just stop.
Fact: Men do not physically need to have sex after becoming sexually excited. Moreover, they are still able to control themselves after becoming aroused.
Myth: Women often lie about rape or falsely accuse someone of rape.
Fact: Statistical studies indicate false reports make up 2% or less of the reported cases of sexual assault. This figure is approximately the same for other types of crimes. Only 1 out of 10 rapes are actually reported. Rapes by someone the victim knows are the least likely to be reported.
Myth: Women provoke sexual assault by their appearance. Sexual attractiveness is a primary reason why a rapist selects a victim.
Fact: Rapists do not select their victims by their appearance. They select victims who are vulnerable and accessible. Victims of sexual assault range in age groups from infants to the elderly. Sexual attractiveness is not an issue.
Myth: Sexual assault is a topic that only concerns women, and men do not have to be concerned about sexual assault.
Fact: According to recent rape crisis center statistics, men, both straight and gay, suffered 10% of the sexual assaults reported in the US last year. (Almost all were raped by other men.) In addition, men have wives, friends, sisters, mothers, and daughters who may someday need assistance in coping with sexual assault. Rape is a concern for everyone.
Myth: If a woman really did not want to be raped, she could fight off her attacker.
Fact: Even if the rapist is not carrying a weapon, the element of surprise, shock, and fear, or the threat of harm can overpower a survivor.
Facts About Date Rape
Here is some data collected from a national study of college students:
* 1 in 4 college women have either been raped or suffered attempted rape.
* 84% of the women who are raped knew their assailants.
* 57% of the rapes occurred on a date.
* Women ages 16-24 have 4 times higher risk of being raped than any other population group.
* 1 in 12 male students surveyed had committed acts that met the legal definition of rape.
* 16% of male students who had committed rape took part in episodes with more than one attacker's gang rape.
* 75% of male students and 55% of female students involved in date rape had been drunk or using drugs.*
* 33% of males surveyed said that they would commit rape if they could escape detection.**
* 25% of men surveyed believed that rape was acceptable if: the woman asks the man out; or the man pays for the date; or the woman goes back to the man's room after the date.
Facts About Sexual Assault
⊕ 1 out of 4 women is sexually assaulted at some point in her life.
⊕ 1 out of 6 men is sexually assaulted at some point in his life.
⊕ Every 15 seconds a woman is beaten by her husband or boyfriend. (FBI Uniform Crime Report, 1991)
⊕ 2-4 million women are abused every year. (American Medical Association)
⊕ 95-98% of victims of domestic violence are women. (Bureau of Statistics)
⊕ Approximately 25% of all women in the U.S. will be abused by current or former partners some time during their lives. (American Medical Association)
⊕ 82.8% of sexual assaults occur before the victim reaches the age of 25.
⊕ 78% of sexual assault victims were assaulted by someone they knew.
⊕ Up to 57% of rapes happened on a date.
⊕ Over 66% of sexual assault victims reported NO visible physical injuries.
⊕ Over 50% of victims and 70% of assailants had used drugs or alcohol prior to the assault.
⊕ Fewer than 20% of crimes of sexual violence are reported to the police.
⊕ Approximately 2% of acquaintance rapes are reported to the police.
⊕ Only 2% of reported sexual assaults have been determined to be false reports.
⊕ 1 in 8 college women is the victim of rape during her college years. 1 in 4 is the victim of attempted rape.
⊕ 95% of these rape victims did not report the rape to officials.
⊕ 25% percent of women were raped and/or physically assaulted by a current or former spouse, partner or date during their lifetime.
⊕ 84% of the women knew the men who raped them; 57% were on dates.